Apr 10, 2020
The Beauty is in the Details
The full pink super moon called to us to lift our heads up and out of our work, our worries, our boredom. Her call was not to be ignored. So

Jan 10, 2020
Food for Your Soul
Finding comfort in the in between during times of challenge and transition, such as those we're living through now, is an invitation to

Jul 12, 2019
Let Your Love for Earth Shine!
A reassuring constant in my life has always been the Earth under my feet.  The dynamic, pulsing vibrance of the vast landscape that extends

Nov 13, 2017
Conscious Communication with the Earth
"It's so important that people realize that they do have a direct communication thru the consciousness with the planet. And they can...

Nov 6, 2017
When we walk through life with science and logic holding one hand and the wisdom of our imagination and intuition holding the other, we can

Aug 31, 2017
You Hold the Key
'Life is constantly talking to itself, and life is constantly listening to itself.'. You can consciously tap into that conversation