Jun 20, 2024
Remembering Your First Love
There is a certain place in this world that is so special to you that it has taken up permanent residence in your heart. In this special...

Apr 22, 2023
Beauty is in the "Eye" of the Beholder!
What you find beautiful directly correlates with what makes your heart sing, makes your soul come alive, and therefore makes your life what

Apr 10, 2020
The Beauty is in the Details
The full pink super moon called to us to lift our heads up and out of our work, our worries, our boredom. Her call was not to be ignored. So

Nov 6, 2017
When we walk through life with science and logic holding one hand and the wisdom of our imagination and intuition holding the other, we can

May 5, 2017
Sink In To Your Life
Let me nudge you to go deeper, to be with your world in a new way. To become aware of, once more the glistening threads that weave our live

Apr 30, 2017
Seeing Is Believing
I couldn't believe my eyes.  What just happened!!?  Thoughts danced around in my head as I tried to make sense of what I had just witnes