Nov 1, 2023
Turning Within to Begin Again
When we open to these powerful messengers we are able to find inspiration, reconciliation, clarity, and renewed hope amidst the trick-or-tre

Aug 1, 2023
Celebrating the Harvest
Abundance Nourishment Verdant Green Lush Vibrant Fullness Bountiful Growth Manifestation is all around us at Lughnasadh, the Celtic fire...

Jun 21, 2023
Solstice ~ The Time of the Sun
Today, wherever you are on Earth, is a day when we honor our own star, the Sun!

May 2, 2023
Beltane ~ Celebrating the Vitality of Life!
The strength and power of life, the natural force that propels young growth to break thru the pavement and water to shape rock, was in full

Mar 21, 2023
Welcoming Back the Light
This Spring Equinox is a very powerful one for it aligns with the energies of the new moon which falls in Aries this month, and Aries marks