The power of water to soothe and calm the nervous system is well known. It relaxes us and our spirits are restored and nourished when we spend time in its peaceful presence. This meditation is ideally practiced on a boat, a float, or any other surface that allows you to rock gently on the water. If none of these options are available to you, there are other methods that will help you experience the nurturing benefits of floating. All are described below.
Floating Technique
This technique is to be used when floating on the water. It is the most direct way to experience the nurturing healing qualities from floating.
The Technique:
**If you think you might fall asleep, ensure your safety and the safety of others before you begin this meditation.
Make sure the boat, float or what you are floating on, is secured well and unable to break free.
Position your body so that you feel safe, ideally near the center of the boat, float, etc... Keep your center of gravity low and hands and feet well within the bounds of what you are floating on.
Become still, close your eyes, and quiet your breathing.
Allow your thoughts to simply fade away and bring your focus to the gentle rocking movement below you. Give your body over to the experience.
Feel the rocking motion moving through your body. Feel yourself gently rise and fall. As you are rocked by the gentle undulations of the water beneath you, feel all the stress and worries you carry slip away and peace and calm come over you.
Stay with this Floating Meditation for as long as you wish. It may rock you to sleep.
When you feel the meditation come to a natural conclusion wiggle your fingers and toes. Take a few deep breaths and slowly begin to become aware of your surroundings.
Take your time moving and engaging with what arises in the space around you. Make sure you move slowly when getting onto your feet. Ensure your sense of balance has been restored before standing. Your body and mind will feel relaxed and loose, so any quick movements can be shocking and your reaction time may have slowed.
When you feel complete, consider recording your experience in your journal. Were there any insights, thoughts or images that you want to remember?
Water Gazing Technique
The Water Gazing Technique is an option for people who find themselves beside the water and are able to easily look out over it.
The Technique:
Become aware of your body in space. Find a comfortable position beside the water where you won't be disturbed.
Become still and quiet your breathing. Allow any thoughts to simply fade away as you shift your focus to the watery scene before you.
With your body still and your mind open, unattached to wandering thoughts or the need to 'figure something out', let your eyes become soft and your gaze gently settle into the fluid scene before you.
Allow your eyes to follow the rhythmic fluidity of the water. Feel the rocking motion moving through your body. Give your body over to the experience. If you can, let it slowly move you back and forth.
Feel all the stress and worries you are carrying slip away and peace and calm come over you.
Stay with this Floating Meditation for as long as you wish. When you feel it come to a natural conclusion wiggle your fingers and toes. Take a few deep breaths and slowly become aware of your surroundings.
Take your time moving and engaging with what arises in the space around you. Your body and mind will feel relaxed and loose, so any quick movements can be shocking and your reaction time may have slowed.
When you feel complete, consider recording your experience in your journal. Were there any insights, thoughts or images that you want to remember?
Peaceful Water Video
For those without access to peaceful water, be it a lake, a pond, or the ocean, a video is available below. While viewing the video follow the Water Gazing Technique described above to experience the nurturing benefits of a floating meditation. Enlarge it to full screen for the best experience. To emphasize the visual experience there is no sound in this video. It's recommended that you enjoy it in silence.