for the Earth-Heart journey
Know Your Land ~ Know Yourself
Your journey into nature using these cards as a guide will be uniquely yours.
This beautiful and transformative way of engaging in deep, soul-satisfying dialogue with the magical landscape will enrich your life. These cards are a tool that, like a good friend, will open your heart and mind to the beauty of Earth-Heart Living. Over time you'll feel more revitalized, connected, and filled with the joy of true belonging.
Combine with the Embodied Nature Connection Oracle Deck and expand your experience.
Part of the Earth-Heart Living Series
4 KEYS OF BEING - Deep Listening
It's time to simply be with the wild land. Embrace not doing and sit in the stillness, quietly witnessing the aliveness of life unfolding in the wild landscape all around you.

Key #1

Key #2

Key #3

Key #4
4 KEYS OF QUICKENING - Co-creative Presence
The wild landscape invites you to adventure! Let yourself be free and delight in discovering new things about the land around you. Your world is ripe for discovery!

Key #5

Key #6

Key #7

Key #8
4 KEYS OF ENGAGING - Mystical Intimacy
You have an opportunity to cross over the threshold and consciously enter into relationship with all that enlivens and inhabits the land around you. Honor this and see the sacredness in the present moment.

Key #9
Key #10
Key #11
Key #12
4 KEYS OF OPENING - Sacred Receptivity
Beauty, wisdom, insights, and patterns of truth are available to you. Hold yourself in a receptive space. Be open to receive!

Key #13
Key #14
Key #15
Key #16
4 KEYS OF PERCEIVING - Wild Body Wisdom
Expand your senses of perception. The world is more than it appears to be on the surface. See the land around you in new ways and awaken to what you've never noticed before. Your body's wild wisdom knows the way!

Key #17

Key #18

Key #19