Food for Your Soul

Photo Credit - Janet MacPherson Moller
"Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable." ~ Mary Oliver
Finding comfort in the in between during times of challenge and transition, such as those we're living through now, is an invitation to open to the unknown while simultaneously strengthening our roots, our connections, our 'what we know for sure to be true' parts of our lives.
Nature can help us, and the sea in particular offers us many gifts -- her rhythmic flow entwined with the moon and the shoreline. Standing there looking out towards the horizon, in this liminal space - on the threshold between the tangible and subtle, between reality and dreams, between heart and body, between breath and bone - we are held suspended. It's where new possibilities are born.
These intense times ask us to stay grounded and focused, to prioritize what is important and good, to hold close what brings us joy and hope, and not to spend too much time sucked into the cruelty and pain being played out in the world around us. But most importantly, we are asked to know the stillness within.
When I stand beside the sea I become awake to the infinite mystery. The power of the place seems to reposition all those parts of me that need to be realigned. My soul is nourished, every cell of my body feels alive as they hum in sync with the energies of the land, of the sea, of the Earth all around me.
To be nourished by nature in this way is paradigm shifting!
I invite you to settle in for a relaxing, meditative experience in Scotland! Below is a 10 min. 38 sec. video of being up above the sea on the Brough of Birsay, a wild untamed place off the west coast of Mainland Orkney in Northern Scotland. I walked across to this island at 4:30 in the morning, two days after summer solstice, a time of year when the days are long with first light at 2:30am and last light at 11pm. For best results, I recommend you go 'full screen' and have your volume turned up. The sounds of the waves and seabirds are both transporting and transformational.
May the rhythm of this magical place bring you peace and stillness too.
Video looking out to sea on Brough of Birsay, Mainland Orkney.