River's Message to the Collective

Receiving Place
These messages that I received from the Royal River in Yarmouth, Maine I realized are messages for us all. They came through during an Earth-Heart Wisdom Circle gathering called "Honoring Rivers" where I was the only person present. What I've written here are insights that dropped (or "arose" as the oracle card below suggests) into my awareness throughout a two and a half hour period of time in which I was tuning in and engaging with the spirit of the river. Some messages were familiar and others offered new perspectives.
*Words in italics are my own thoughts and reflections.
*Words in plain text are insights received from the river.
(4 min. read)
Go with the flow.
Allow things to unfold.
Cards drawn:
Key 14 - A Key of Opening (Keys to Nature Connection Oracle Deck)
Rivers are: receivers, carriers, connectors, circulators, communicators
Through the Law of Correspondence rivers connect our heart (the river’s source) with our soul (the Sea). Rivers are the flow of life force, of vitality, of inspiration that flows between our heart and our soul.
What are we feeding our rivers? …our blood streams?
There were times when walking alongside the river, I could not see Her beyond the greenery, and yet I knew Her waters flowed quietly. In the moment I could feel Her as a reciprocal experience in my body. It felt like what I feel around sensing my own blood flowing. In the landscape as I was walking along the path I could sense the presence of the river and Her flowing without seeing it, just as I can sense the flow of my blood flowing through my body but not see it.

A river is defined by the spaces around it, AND a river actively and tirelessly shapes the "land", those spaces it moves through, therefore shaping the world over time.
What is the relationship like between the two? A dance of call and response? A duet of two voices? Respectful?
There are rivers of water, light, movement, sound, and ideas. All are actively cleansing, nourishing, aligning, birthing … and ultimately becoming. Animals, plants, and stones all migrate at different rates and in different cycles and patterns. All are rivers of life in their own ways.
And, regarding the quantum consciousness level, this message was received:
Water holds cosmic light codes, and thus sacred geometric patterns, that are the foundations of life and of all creativity, therefore supporting communication across and through all levels of consciousness here on Earth and beyond into the cosmos.
Rivers of water are rivers of cosmic light codes and of sacred geometry - of divine presence.
This message reminds me of Masaru Emoto's and Veda Austin's work. The science now being done with water is cutting edge. As I allow this message to settle, I find myself now consciously aware of a new expression of the river's presence. My awareness deepens even more. The river that I've known for decades I'm all of a sudden seeing in a completely new and more refined way.
As the light began to fade and the people activity waned, I continued to deepen, feeling into the river’s presence in more intimate ways. It was as if Her presence overflowed Her banks and filled the air as Her vibration engulfed everything around me. Her energies coursed through the stone, flowed through the roots, up the trunks and out the branches of the trees. The leaves humming, the ground pulsing, the place glowed and shimmered with Her presence as the sun set and night descended.
The words that follow are the river speaking through the twilight atmosphere to me:
The further away from the river you move the quieter the expression of life; the closer you come to the shoreline, the edge where the two worlds meet, the more vibrant the energies become.
Pooling and flowing… holding and blocking … restricting and allowing, … manipulating… controlling and guiding
Through this experience of connection and attunement I came to realize that I expect the river, and through direct correlation, my blood, to always be there flowing, carrying vital nutrients, nourishing the land and supporting our infrastructure. As my blood, my systems, my body, I expect the river to keep me alive, and on the macro level, to hold our world together. I expect the river to continuously flow, never stopping.
I’m called to go with the flow. My natural way of being now chooses ease and grace over pushing my way upstream against the current. I’m choosing to go “downhill” to the Sea…to “home”. The river embodies this.There is no effort, only excellence and trust that it will reach the sea… that thing which is calling Her.

Insights received at Falls 3 looking across to the ruins:
Our life force will always out-live the structures, decisions, identities, creations we’ve experienced throughout our lives and past lifetimes. Our spirit always flows and carries; it is always vibrant and true.
In the end we will come to realize that it is our spirit that in large part shapes who we are and what our life becomes… and indeed, has become.
No matter the terrain it traverses, our life force, like a river, carries us forward, always connecting our heart with our soul, enlivening our body and nourishing our journey.
Life is a river. Life is flow. To live is to flow. Flow in responding, in allowing, in engaging, in inspiring. We breathe, we choose, we rest, we move, and we breathe again.
We are in flow.
We are the river.

Photography Credit: Janet MacPherson Moller