The Songs of Spring
As the early spring light came in through the window casting a glow over the wood floor, I noticed it had a different tone, a different quality. It wasn't as crisp and clean as winter light. It was denser and had soft edges. The warm light of the sun felt held within a soft blanket — welcoming and promising.
I love witnessing the earth wake up in the spring. It's a healing balm to my winter-weary soul. The gentle sweet warmth I feel growing at this time of year follows an upward and outward path in sync with the flowing sap. Hard frozen soil gives way to mud and melodic spring bird song fills the wood. The softening of the land has begun.
As a geomancer I am constantly observing the world around me, absorbing the light and taking in the atmosphere, aware of the wide view of interconnections and also slipping in more closely to explore the subtle and hidden realms. Approaching life in this way helps me to perceive the beauty and wonder that forever unfolds around me.
Here in New England winter doesn't let go its grasp very easily. Even after Spring Equinox the cold lingers, but signs of spring are beginning to appear now. On my walks I've noticed the skunk cabbage beginning to grow beside the road in the wet areas flooded with spring rain mixed with snow melt. Their red, white and green heads peeking up thru the water and out of the moist soil. The pussy willows are out, too — stirring childhood memories of loving their softness and bringing branches home to put on the mantlepiece. Soon the frogs will be laying their eggs, and I'll be throwing the shovel in the back of the truck so I can grab it quickly when I come upon a snapping turtle crossing the road. With the increase in animal activity I'm reminded of the importance of sharing the road and to be on the look out for any creatures I might meet while driving.
Then there are the birds! Just the other day I spotted a nuthatch investigating a conch shell that sits up on a pedestal in the garden. 'How exciting', I thought, 'to have a family of nuthatches nesting in plain sight!' And to my delight the loons are gathering in the river. There has been a pair here all winter, but more have arrived over the past few weeks. We seem to have three breeding pairs now. The males are all decked out in their stunning dark plumage making it very easy to distinguish them from the females. I can't help but wonder when they'll be heading inland to summer on the lakes? Alongside the loons the flocks of eiders are gathering. For every female their appears to be three males. Every time I head over to the water's edge I hear their distinctive cooing sounding across the water and I chuckle to myself. This area of the river is rich in fish, not too deep, and attracts a wide variety of water birds. A favorite pair of mallard ducks that spent the warmer months with us last year, are back. They have taken to nibbling on the bird seed under the feeders. He is very protective of her and takes his responsibilities very seriously. A few weeks ago I spotted them resting in the sun under the spruce tree. It is comforting to know that all of these birds have chosen this beautiful place to breed year after year. I love knowing that they feel it's safe here.
Although the sun's warmth continues to grow as the days lengthen, and the swamp maples have begun to burst open their red buds, we hesitate to pack our winter woolies away just yet. Yesterday's April showers were mixed with snow and the wind still packs a cold punch. But, I know warmer days are coming. The hummingbirds are in Virginia now and the osprey arrive in 2-3 weeks.