Welcoming Back the Light

Come close.
Be still.
A voice
from within the sleeping Land
is speaking.
Amidst the holiday hustle and bustle,
on this Winter Solstice day
silence and stillness hold sway.
Beyond the cheer and revelry
lies a tender expectancy–
a quiet still point, full and sparkling!
Come close.
Be still.
In the stillness
of the fertile Dark,
the sleeping Land shares
the mysteries held deep within
Winter's heart.
Photo Credit - Janet MacPherson Moller
Solstice Greetings All!
Winter Solstice this year has arrived on the heels of a powerful storm here in Maine that left many of us without power. With trees down and rivers roaring and overflowing their banks, Mother Nature has reminded us of her power and beauty in not-so-subtle ways! Anything weak, unsure, or beyond its "use by date" has been swiftly and irrevocably removed. For this reason the Winter Solstice Portal Painting comes in the form of photographs, each one chosen for its vibration. (Click on a photo to see it at full size.)
I hope that you are doing well and that this letter finds you enjoying the peace and nourishment of the season. It has been a full year and I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for all of you, whether you've read my blog, purchased my jewelry, books or supported my work in other ways. Thank you!
May the blessings of the solstice fill your life!
Much Love,
